Trail Development Update, August 2019
It has been a busy year so far for trail development, particularly in the Allegheny Valley. As you might already know, the connection in Allegheny Valley is a part of the next big regional trail corridor, known as the Erie to Pittsburgh Trail. The 26-mile extension up the Allegheny River will connect to a roughly 260-mile trail corridor connecting the Point at Point State Park to Dobbin’s Landing at the Erie Lake Bayfront.
The Allegheny River Valley has various challenges; for instance, active rail roads and industry. To overcome these challenges, Friends of the Riverfront is working in partnership with Allegheny County and the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC). We are also working closely with each of the municipalities on the northern shore. Look at some of the exciting news that is happening in some of our communities.
Shaler Township: Probably our most asked about gap in the trail network, this section has significant challenges. The corridor is primarily owned by a private rail road. The Township has received planning money to look at the area and the possibilities of trail connection and continues to work with the rail road to complete this much needed connection.
Etna Borough: In June of this year, Etna Borough broke ground on their trail and park project. This project is slated to be completed in the Summer of 2020. Once completed this will create a riverfront destination for the community.
Blawnox Borough: In 2018, Blawnox Borough opened their roughly one and a half mile of on road connectivity for the trail. This section was completed in partnership with the Borough, River Town Program, PEC, and Allegheny County.
Springdale Borough: Springdale Borough received $20,000 from the Active Allegheny Grant Program in 2019. These funds are currently being used to complete design work for the Three Rivers Heritage Trail extension in Springdale Borough. This will connect roughly one and half miles of trail. To help with this project, please fill out this survey here.
Tarentum Borough: In 2016, Tarentum Borough opened their on-road section of trail that connected a little over 1 mile of trail. This will connect up to the in-progress section in Brackenridge.
Brackenridge Borough: In 2019, Brackenridge received $20,000 from the Active Allegheny Grant Program. These funds have been used to complete the design and engineering for the half a mile of developing riverfront trail. This will connect to the completed section in Tarentum and developing sections in Harrison Township. Brackenridge will be applying for construction dollars to complete this section.