Employment Opportunities

Crew Leader

Join us as a Crew Leader!  We are seeking to recruit a roster of Crew Leaders to assist with leading groups of volunteers during our public and corporate stewardship opportunities this season.  Crew Leaders will primarily be utilized on the day of an event to setup and cleanup project sites, lead volunteer groups in advancing a task or project, and submit volunteer and project statistics. This is a contracted, as needed position (based on event schedule) with an hourly rate of $20.  While we anticipate 3-12 hours per month between March and October, we cannot guarantee hours.  

Please see here for a full description of job.  Contact our Trail Stewardship Coordinator Ashley, at ashley@friendsoftheriverfront.org, if interested!


We offer several internship opportunities year-round, including in areas of Stewardship, Trail Management & Development, and Communications.  We occasionally offer legal internships. 

If you are interested in an internship with Friends of the Riverfront, please email us at friends@friendsoftheriverfront.org. We highly encourage interns to seek academic credit for their internship.

Leading a volunteer tree planting on Washingtons Landing
A Crew Leader prepares a volunteer group for trail care
2020 Stewardship Interns out on the Trail


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