2025 Sponsorship Opportunities Overview

Looking for a way to support Friends of the Riverfront as a company or for-profit organization? We invite you to join us for Employer Trail Care opportunities – but we also have many other kinds of events, hardware, in-kind, and program sponsorship opportunities for every size of organization, time period, and level of commitment. We cannot do what we do without our local businesses supporting us. The trail is a key regional asset that is broadly popular and drives an estimated $26.5 million in economic impact per year, besides offering huge positive impacts in terms of health, quality of life, and environmental resilience and improvement.

Want to talk about sponsorship opportunities or ask questions? We can customize options just for you. Email Kate, Director of Development.

Looking to make an impact in a specific neighborhood or area? We have 35 miles of trail and more than 30 water launches across Allegheny County.

Looking for easy ways to support Friends at a lower level of commitment?

  • Sponsor our laid-back member appreciation event: FriendsFest, in June. Held at a local brewery, sponsorships start at $300 and can include a retro event t-shirt and employee memberships
  • Support our Water Trail Map. 3 years of exposure with levels starting at $500
  • Help us hold fun, impactful events through our Trail Experience program. Levels start at $1,500 and can include event tickets for your employees
  • Friends founded and maintains Pittsburgh’s popular legal graffiti park, Color Park, and we hold an annual community event in September. Color Park Graffiti Jam sponsor levels start at $150


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