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Join us out on the trail for a tree planting worday! We’ll plant 25 medium-sized trees, each will be 5-10 years old. Don’t worry, holes will be loosened for planting! Some shoveling of mulch and dirt, as well as shifting of trees, will be required.  To maintain COVID and other safety requirements: 
  • each pod of volunteers must include at least two adults (up to 4 adults) who are comfortable being in close contact (within 1-2 feet) of your individual “pod-members” throughout the event. Social distancing at 6 feet+ will be maintained with Friends of the Riverfront Staff and other pods of volunteers. Children are welcome to join your pod but must be accompanied by at least 2 adults.
  • each adult must be able to lift 50 pounds, and be comfortable lifting, squatting, shoveling, etc.
  • all volunteers must wear masks and closed-toe shoes, long pants and sleeves recommended.
Registration is FULL for this event.  Please consider registering for another event.  


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