Our time in Scranton:
8 members of our staff attended the 2023 Pennsylvania Greenways and Trails Summit hosted by WeConservePA in Scranton, PA from September 17-19! During the two-day conference, we attended seminars led by trail professionals across the state. Our Executive Director, Kelsey Ripper, as well as our Director of Trail Development & Government Relations, Courtney Mahronich-Vita both gave presentations. It was a wonderful experience and an important way to connect, converse, and learn from other trail professionals both local and regional. Some of us took a walking tour of the downtown area led by locals and learned about the history of the city. We also got to see a mural of “The Office” (many of us are big Office fans!)

Overall, it was a wonderful experience and we each came back to Pittsburgh with a stronger sense of connection to regional organizations dedicated to trails, greenways, and their accessibility. It was a way to demonstrate our commitment to professionalism and growth as trail advocates and builders. We are excited to continue our work here in Pittsburgh with all of the knowledge that we gained from this summit.