A group of environmental organizations put together a questionnaire for the Allegheny County Chief Executive Candidates. These nine key questions were designed to highlight the importance of environmental issues within Allegheny County and gather information regarding the candidates’ potential policies.
It’s essential to remember that the fight for environmental justice is never-ending. We will always advance the work done by our partner organizations and hope to see the same commitment from the future Allegheny County Chief Executive.
For the full list of questions and responses, visit this link: https://prc.org/ace/
None of the participating organizations endorse or support a particular candidate. This questionnaire is for informational purposes only.
This group of organizations meets regularly to discuss opportunities to progress environmental initiatives in Southwest Pennsylvania:
Allegheny CleanWays; Communitopia; Friends of the Riverfront; Grounded Strategies; Grow Pittsburgh; Hollow Oak Land Trust; Landforce; Pennsylvania Resources Council; Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy; RiverWise; River Life; Sustainable Pittsburgh; Three Rivers Waterkeeper; Tree Pittsburgh; Upstream Pittsburgh; Women For a Healthy Environment.