Train on the Trail – Winter Tree Identification

Millvale Riverfront Park 70 River Front Dr., Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join us for our first Train on the Trail Session of 2025! The Audubon Society of Western Pa will be leading an in-person training session where participants will learn how to identify winter trees based on bark, twigs, buds, shape, and even smell. Join us as we take a closer look at the diverse species of trees present along the Millvale section of the Three Rivers Heritage Trail!

Event Series Public Trail Care

Trail Care Tuesday – Chateau

Kroll Drive - Three Rivers Heritage Trail Parking Lot 800-816 Kroll Dr, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join us on the Chateau segment of the Three Rivers Heritage Trail for a Trail Care Tuesday opportunity! Volunteers will assist in collecting litter, clearing abandoned encampments, addressing undesired vegetation, as well as other trail maintenance needs.

Trail Care Tuesday – Strip District

Strip District - 15th Street 1521 Waterfront Pl, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join us on the Strip District segment of the Three Rivers Heritage Trail for a Trail Care Tuesday opportunity! Volunteers will assist in collecting litter, tending to tree tubes, addressing undesired vegetation, as well as other trail maintenance needs.


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