Friends of the Riverfront is currently assisting Verona Borough, Oakmont Borough, Plum Borough, and the municipality of Penn Hills develop a safe, accessible, and sustainable multi-purpose trail stretching from the Allegheny Riverfront in Verona, through Oakmont and Penn Hills along Plum Creek, to Boyce Park in Plum Borough. In 2022, Friends of the Riverfront worked with Penn Hills Borough to raise funding to complete design and engineering for the entire 14 mile trail project. The design and engineering work is being conducted by TranSystems through December 2024.

The first phase of design and engineering was completed in early 2023 and focused on the section in Verona and Oakmont. Currently, the consultant and Steering Committee is completing survey and drone work of the remaining trail corridor and identifying logical segments of the 14-mile trail for ease of future phasing and construction. Additionally, the logical segments help each municipality identify trail segments in ongoing grant applications and funding asks which focus on continued engineering, permitting and construction of the VOPP Trail.

Over the next few months, the consultant will be coordinating with state agencies on permitting requirements and furthering the development of the design and engineering of the alignment.

Upcoming Public Meeting

October 10, 2024
6 – 8pm
Oakmont Carnegie Library
700 Allegheny River Blvd.
Oakmont, PA 15139


  • Verona Borough
  • Oakmont Borough
  • Plum Borough
  • Municipality of Penn Hills
  • PennDOT District 11
  • Senator Jay Costa
  • Pittsburgh Reginal Transit
  • Allegheny County
  • Steel City Rowing Club

View Other Trail Projects

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Pittsburgh, PA

Three Rivers Heritage Trail
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