Expanding the Three Rivers Heritage Trail Network throughout the Pittsburgh region is a top priority for Friends of the Riverfront and our partners. Our vision includes having trail connectivity on all sides of all three rivers within Allegheny County, including connections into communities. The Trail now encompasses over 33+ miles along both banks of the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio rivers and continues to grow.

Three Rivers Heritage Trail Maintenance Plan
Pittsburgh, PA
Three Rivers Heritage Trail
Friends of the Riverfront is partnering with the City of Pittsburgh to create a plan to guide the maintenance of the trail to ensure a positive user experience.

VOPP Trail Connector
Verona, Oakmont, Penn Hills and Plum
Three Rivers Heritage Trail Network
Trail connection between Verona, Oakmont, Plum, and Penn Hills.

Hazelwood to Carrie Furnace Segment
Hazelwood, Swissvale, Rankin
Three Rivers Heritage Trail Network
Preliminary design to connect the Three Rivers Heritage Trail from Hazelwood to Duck Hollow and extend access to Carrie Furnace.

Three Rivers Heritage Trail Economic Study
Allegheny County
Three Rivers Heritage Trail
The 2024 Impact Assessment of the Three Rivers Heritage Trail has been completed!

Springdale to East Deer Segment
Allegheny River Valley
Three Rivers Heritage Trail
In Spring 2023, the design and engineering phase kicked off with the first public meeting scheduled for October 16, 2023 at East Deer Memorial Park.

O'Hara Segment
O'Hara Township
Three Rivers Heritage Trail
Friends of the Riverfront has secured funding for design and engineering of the extension of the Three Rivers Heritage Trail in O’Hara Township from Boyd Avenue to the Hulton Bridge.

Turtle Creek Connector
Turtle Creek Valley
Three Rivers Heritage Trail Network
Design and engineering of a nine mile connection from Carrie Furnace to the Westmoreland Heritage Trail (WHT) in Trafford Borough.

Baldwin Riverfront Park
Baldwin Borough
Three Rivers Heritage Trail
Based on the Baldwin Riverfront Park Master Plan, completed in 2022, Friends of the Riverfront and PashekMTR are working on design and engineering of components within phases 1 and 2 of the master plan.

Braddock Riverfront
Braddock Borough, Monongahela River
Three Rivers Water Trail
Updates are being made to the Braddock Borough Water Trail Access point.

Tarentum Segment
Tarentum Borough
Three Rivers Heritage Trail
Trail Section: Tarentum Borough
Friends is working with Tarentum Borough to complete the design and engineering of an upgraded Three Rivers Heritage Trail through the community.

Three Rivers Water Trail Management Plan
Allegheny County
Three Rivers Water Trail
Friends has recently completed our water trail management plan! This plan takes a comprehensive look at the current Three Rivers Water Trail system and acts as a 10-year strategic plan for the expansion, maintenance, promotion of the water trail.

Cheswick Trail Planning
Cheswick Borough
Three Rivers Heritage Trail
Cheswick Borough, Friends of the Riverfront, and partners are developing the initial plan for a future segment of the Three Rivers Heritage Trail.

Brackenridge Segment
Brackenridge Borough
Three Rivers Heritage Trail
Brackenridge Trail Construction

Natrona Community Connector
Three Rivers Heritage Trail
Find out more about the work being done in Natrona!

Cheswick Boat Launch
Cheswick Borough, Allegheny River
Three Rivers Water Trail
Cheswick public boat launch opening in 2023!

Natrona Riverfront & Trail Head
Natrona, Harrison Township
Three Rivers Water Trail
Friends is working with Harrison Township to complete improvements along the Allegheny River in Natrona.